Millennials Lose It Over Losing Avocados

President Trump threatened to close the Mexico border on Twitter last Friday unless the Mexican government made short work of the illegal immigration problem. Experts across the country and both parties agree that closing the border would be disastrous for the United States economy. Mexico is responsible for 37 percent of imported auto parts, including wiring harnesses, as well as 60 percent of American produce. This could increase prices across the country and cost us billions in return trade with Mexico. But the more pressing problem is a President who makes sweeping announcements on TWITTER to distract from the more serious issues. This scheme started as early as January of 2017 when our newly inaugurated president was tweeting about the size of the crowd that turned out while quietly decreasing funding for the United Nations. President Trump made the announcement that transgender individuals would no longer be accepted in the military in July 2017 while in the background he put into motion a case that would allow employers to fire employees based on their sexual orientation. I can only assume that the latest announcement about closing the border is to draw attention away from the full Mueller report that we still haven't seen. Or maybe he is trying to distract us from his decision to reduce financial aid to several Central American countries. He could also be drawing attention away from the fact that the proposed budget cut funding for the Special Olympics. It's evident that he doesn't want to be caught in his more controversial decisions because as soon as the public realized the funding for the Special Olympics had been cut, he reinstated the funding and tried to cover up the fact that he was the one who cut the funding in the first place. President Trump is like a magician distracting the American public with his incendiary Twitter feed while making secretive moves in the shadows.
But we all know the most pressing issue is the potential loss of guacamole, Dos Equis, and tequila.


Anonymous said…
I totally agree with you! Our President uses social media as a way to distract the people from serious issues that are currently happening. That's also another reason why people don't really take President Trump seriously, if only he used his power to inform people about issues that truly matter. It's sad to know that he goes on Twitter to just cover something up, or distract everyone from the truth.
Yazmin A said…
As a tequila lover, you blog really spoke out to me. Jokes aside, Trump really does use social media to distract everyone from what he is planning. From the beginning, he has been using Twitter to start up dramatic conversations which lead to new laws or whatever. But I think now people are caught up with his game and are aware of what's going on. I love how this article is serious yet they lighten the mood at the end.