Critique of an Op Ed

Scott Jennings has some interesting ideas about President Trump's appeal to Republicans in his article Why do Republicans still back Trump? The answer is simple: Attitude and gratitude. Jennings explains that Trump's high approval rating among the GOP (near 90%) has less to do with his actions while in office and more to do with his attitude towards the "elitist media" and the Clinton family. According to Scott, any Republican president would appoint conservative Supreme Court Justices and cut taxes. However, the way he attacks those that aggravate him brings relief to his supporters, who can't get away with that in their own lives. Republicans may see President Trump as a "barbarian", but he is beating back the wave of socialism that threatened our country under the reign of Obama. I can see where Jennings is coming from, as Leigh Bardugo said: "Like calls to like". People see Trump as a self-made man infiltrating the ranks of elite politicians. He speaks his mind against them even if he gets shamed for it. He uses social media regularly. He is more relatable than those who have come before him. Although I don't think that political decisions should be made based on how relatable a candidate is, I can see why Scott came to these conclusions. He does use some inflammatory language against the media and the Clintons that could turn away readers that lean more towards the left. Overall, I left with a better understanding of why people could continue to support Trump along with the sincere hope that people would do a little more research into issues and rely less on how they feel about their representatives.
